Wednesday, October 5, 2011

3 Deadly Link Building Mistakes

SEO link building has gained momentum over the years and has matured in terms of methods and tactics. There is no questioning the fact that certain types of backlinks play a major role in getting your site on the first page of search engines and keeping them there for a long time. How do you benefit? The more people that see your offer; the more opportunities to make a sale. 

The impact that backlinks have on Google ranking is so huge that many people have made backlinking a large part of their seo strategy and try anything that someone tells them may work. But the sad part is that many people who are just starting out misunderstand the whole point of getting links. You need to watch what site you link from because many may not you help at all. Some of them can actually hurt your rankings. The most important part of building links to your site is doing it in a natural way. The search engines are really good at recognizing un-natural patterns, because their ranking system wasn't created to be manipulated for your own gains. 

Building natural and relevant links will result in higher rankings that actually lasts. Doing everything the right way from the beginning can get frustrating but you are building a solid foundation. Most people don't want to get into the details of link building and go out there and start grabbing as many links as they can from whatever source they find. You are doing nothing but hurting yourself with these methods. 

You can find out some of the techniques to avoid in the following paragraphs. 

You must treat link building as seriously or more serious than anything else if you want a site that will earn you money now and in the future. It's a shame but the truth is that the many people's idea of linkbuilding is spamming any site that they can. In fact, one of the quickest ways of your site being penalized is when the search engine finds out that your site's URL is being spammed across the internet. So, when you spam these sites you ultimately lose when you get caught, and you will get caught. Any skilled search engine optimizer knows that that type of link building will make it harder to rise in the result pages. 

Don't make the most common backlink building mistake of all: simply getting as many links as you can without being concerned with their quality. Logically, 5 links should count more than 1 link. But the search engines work differently, as they give a lot of importance to the source of the link. The quality of your links is actually more important than the mere quantity. For instance, having a backlink coming from an authority site is way better than getting 10 links from low-quality sites that are spammy. If you focus on getting backlinks from highly regarded sites that are in the same niche as yours, you'll be helping your site much more than if you just collect lots of low quality links. In fact, having too many low quality links can actually harm your site if the search engines believe you are using underhanded tactics. 

Don't try to find an instant solution that will make your site number one overnight. Just do the hard work by creating quality content and networking with the right sites to see good results. Avoid rushing through the link building process because you will make simple mistakes like misspelling your anchor text. Also, whenever possible, choose a text link with anchor text over an image link. You can get a substantial amount of traffic from an image link when compared to a text link; however, our job is to build a site that brings in huge amounts of traffic for the long term so text links with anchor text works better for our purposes. 

When building links remember that your site's reputation is on stake in case you keep repeating a mistake again and again. What are you waiting on? - Go build some quality links..

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