Affiliate marketing has been in existence for a long time. Many affiliate marketers are making a good income comfortably from home. Becoming an affiliate marketer and finding success is mainly about making sure you get the various factors right. Given below are a few affiliate marketing myths that you need to be aware of.
Our first misconception is that people assume that paid traffic is the only way to get a larger income.
The statement is true but not telling the entire story. Yes, free traffic such as, YouTube, SEO, and article marketing can still bring lots of visitors to your site. Free traffic is good because there is no monetary investment but it can be a bit slower and less targeted than paid traffic. You have to love that free traffic. But yes, if you want to go beyond the regular affiliate commission checks and you want to make big money with affiliate marketing, then you'll have to invest and re-invest your money in paid advertising such as Google Adwords. There are always rules to the exception, there are creative ways to makes lots of money with free methods. Free traffic has filled the bank accounts of many internet marketers who have spent years perfecting their free traffic methods. So if you want to be really successful, you can start off with the free marketing methods and then move on to the paid ones.