Thursday, August 30, 2012

Info Marketing 101: Practical Training To Start Selling What You Know

Info Marketing 101 is an online entrepreneur’s action plan to actually getting something done.

You see, most of the “get rich quick” products on the market lead beginners to thing that what’s needed is to buy their massive and bloated products- you know the ones, they have an image with dozens of CDs, manuals, DVDs, teaching every possible angle of internet marketing… but rarely direct them to simple action. 

So people buy these products (costing thousands of dollars!) and gave up after the first week.  Why?  Information overload!  They get overwhelmed, and frustrated.

And they STILL didn’t have a product or website to show for it, let alone their first dime of profits.

This Info Marketing 101 will guide you step-by-step to creating and launching your FIRST profitable information product!
This guide contain 3 modules which is covering:

1. Producing Your First Info Product
2. Creating a Stunning Sales Page to Sell It
3. Marketing Your Product to a Huge Audience

Each lesson has a clear objective, step by step instructions, screen capture videos, and lots of tools to help.  No fluff, each step moves you closer to having your product created and selling to the world!

You shouldn’t have to learn how to build a website in order to sell your product.  This takes too much time and energy.  We give you a profit sucking sales template – and show you how to customize it for your product.

For complete info please visit their official website at Info Marketing 101.